Life Insurance


While many investments are designed to benefit you in retirement to some extent, life insurance is in place either to generate tax free retirement income, or to protect those you love when you pass away. Milestone Retirement Planning Services can help you determine what level of insurance makes the most sense to maintain your family’s standard of living..

Considering one’s own mortality is hardly a light topic, but do you know how your family would carry on financially if you were to pass away?

With proper life insurance coverage, you need not wonder. The amount of coverage that is right for you depends on how much income you would need to replace to allow your family to maintain its standard of living, your expected funeral/estate costs, outstanding debt and other factors. We can help you work through the calculations, and ultimately ensure you have peace of mind about your loved ones’ financial future.

We can help you choose between term life insurance (which provides coverage for a specific period of time and has payouts contingent on whether you were to die within that period) and permanent insurance (which covers you for your entire life as long as you continue to pay premiums). Which type is right for you depends on whether you want to minimize premium payments and immediate risk or build cash value for death benefit or to ultimately withdraw over time as tax free income we can help you determine what makes the most sense for your specific needs.

Interested in learning more? Contact our office or complete the request a consultation form to start a dialog.